Imagem de uma flor amarela

Sustainable future

Our commitment to the present and the future

We promote the socio-economic development of the regions where we operate, with a focus on environmental conservation and adherence to the highest standards of governance.


Sustainability is the cornerstone of our business. We initiate measures aimed at positively transforming lives, broadening benefits, and creating value for all stakeholders and the broader society, striving towards a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable world. Community well-being, environmental conservation, and employee safety are the pillars guiding our efforts.

imagem de uma mão tocando uma planta com orvalho
Imagem mostrando as ODS

Signatories of the Global Compact Brazil Network

As proud signatories of the UN Global Compact Brazil Network, we're part of the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative.

Explore the program’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

GHG Protocol Gold Seal achievement

Our complete emissions inventory has been audited by a third party and awarded the Gold Seal for the 2023 cycle by the Brazilian GHG Protocol program, the highest recognition by the institution

imagem de uma mão tocando uma planta com orvalho


Sustainability is the cornerstone of our business. We initiate measures aimed at positively transforming lives, broadening benefits, and creating value for all stakeholders and the broader society, striving towards a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable world. Community well-being, environmental conservation, and employee safety are the pillars guiding our efforts.

Imagem mostrando as ODS

Signatories of the Global Compact Brazil Network

As proud signatories of the UN Global Compact Brazil Network, we're part of the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative.

Explore the program’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

GHG Protocol Gold Seal achievement

Our complete emissions inventory has been audited by a third party and awarded the Gold Seal for the 2023 cycle by the Brazilian GHG Protocol program, the highest recognition by the institution

Foto de um ramo de árvore
Floresta dos Ventos


Our dedication to environmental stewardship and sustainable resource management permeates all stages of our project lifecycle. We proactively address potential impacts on local ecosystems, communities, and our team, focusing on prevention, mitigation, and compensation for any risks. A key initiative is the Floresta dos Ventos project in Rio Grande do Norte, aiming to plant 300,000 seedlings over 120 hectares. In 2023 alone, we planted over 150,000 native Caatinga seedlings, which represents more than of the planned total. Explore more of our environmental efforts.


Our commitment extends to enhancing the socio-economic status of communities near our projects. We engage deeply with local residents to address their needs through various projects and programs, focusing on income and opportunity generation. Our operations significantly contribute to local economies by creating jobs, fostering new businesses, and improving human and social development indices. This approach is encapsulated in our Private Social Investment (PSI) program, based on four dimensions:

Discover some initiatives


Our governance aligns with international standards, underpinned by robust ethical principles. Our Board of Directors, supported by the People and Ethics Committees and the ESG Committee, ensures comprehensive oversight.


Ethics is a fundamental aspect of our culture, influencing all interactions, including those with government bodies, partners, suppliers, and employees. Our Integrity Program, characterized by cross-cutting actions, sets benchmarks for excellence.

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ícode de pessoas

Code of conduct

Our commitment to good governance and integrity extends beyond our company, leading us to establish a Code of Conduct for suppliers and third parties.

ícone de um headset

Ethical channel

We offer an anonymous and confidential whistleblowing channel for inquiries, concerns, suggestions for improvement, and reports of conduct that breaches our Code of Conduct and applicable laws.

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Protection in the use of personal data

We are committed to the responsible handling of personal data, with mechanisms in place for reporting any breaches of our Code of Conduct and legal compliance.

See our social initiatives

Together, building the future

Our addresses
São Paulo
Av. Brig. Faria Lima, 3477 Torre A
- 14º Andar (11) 4084-4200


Av. Des. Moreira, 1300 Torre Norte - 15º Andar (85) 3034-9720

Social Media

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Social Media

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